She doesnt care?
She want it too, she want it all
She want the long walks
The late phone calls
The goodmorning texts
She want the cute pictures with you
To hold your hand
To make food for you
To call you honey
The joking
The wrestling
The fight
To be loved by you
But it just too tough
To know that
She aint the one
I see that girl cry everytime you hug another
Ive seen she lock herself in her room
because she taught she wasnt good enough for you
Ive seen her breakdown in late at night because she caught her self thinking what you two were together
She said she was over you
Do you believe that?
You are her everythin
You destroyed her from the inside out
But she's always going to forgive you
She's always going to be with you
But she knows it wont happen
So there's nothin she can do
But tell you she's alright.